Analysis of operating results by business unit
Amidst the challenging economic conditions seen in 2014, Russian Railways retained its position as the leading representative of the Russian transportation industry. One of the biggest tasks that the Company successfully accomplished in the reporting year was transportation service for the XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi. Overall freight turnover totalled 2,945.5 bln tkm in 2014, while passenger turnover amounted to 128.8 bln passenger km.
A number of important projects were implemented in 2014. In particular, the establishment of the intermodal logistics operator UTLC was completed, a major investment project was launched to modernise the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Mainlines and the implementation of joint projects with foreign partners continued.
In 2014, the Company maintained its status as a socially responsible employer by indexing employee salaries, performing all the obligations under the collective bargaining agreement and undertaking the necessary measures to ensure industrial and environmental safety.