Management Board of Russian Railways
The Company’s Management Board handles the general management of business operations as the collective executive body (except for the resolution of matters that fall within the purview of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the president according to the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” and the Company Charter unless otherwise specified by the Charter).
The personnel structure of the Company’s Management Board is determined by the resolution of the Board of Directors except for the position of the Russian Railways Management Board chairman and the president, who is appointed by the Russian Government.
The main tasks of the Company’s Management Board include preparing proposals on the Company’s business strategy, implementing its financial and business policy, developing decisions on the most important issues of its current business operations and coordinating the work of its divisions, improving the efficiency of the internal control and risk monitoring systems and ensuring the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders.
The Company’s Management Board carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter, the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors, the Regulation on the Russian Railways Management Board and the Company’s internal documents.
The Management Board acts in the Company’s interests and is accountable to the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors.
The purview of the Company’s Management Board includes the following matters:
- the preparation and submission to the Board of Directors of the Company’s business priorities and long-term plans for their implementation, including the Company’s annual budgets and investment programme, the preparation of reports on their implementation for the Board of Directors as well as preparing and approving the current business plans;
- the approval of internal estimated tariffs, fees and payments for work (services) performed (rendered) by the Company that are not related to natural monopolies;
- the approval of rules that ensure the proper organisation and reliability of accounting at the Company and the timely submission of the annual report and other financial reporting to the relevant bodies as well as information about the Company’s operations to shareholders, creditors and the media;
- the submission to the Board of Directors of prospectuses for the issuance of securities and other documents related to the issuance of the Company’s securities;
- organising the fulfilment of the Company’s long-term and current plans and implementing the Company’s investment, financial and other projects;
- establishing the procedure for taking into account the Company’s affiliates;
- considering and coordinating draft collective bargaining agreements at the Company and regulations on industry-wide private pension support, mandatory pension insurance, professional pension insurance and an industry-wide tariff agreement on railway transportation as well as submitting them to the Company’s president for signing;
- establishing the procedure for shareholders to review information about the Company;
- establishing a remuneration system and determining measures to motivate Company employees;
- issuing binding instructions to subsidiaries on matters specified in the charters of these companies or in agreements which the Company has concluded with them;
- approving the Company’s internal documents on matters that fall within the purview of the Management Board;
- resolving other matters related to the Company’s current operations that are submitted for consideration by the chairman of the Management Board, the Board of Directors or shareholders.
Vladimir Yakunin | President |
Vadim Morozov | First Vice President |
Alexander Misharin | First Vice President |
Valentin Gapanovich | Senior Vice President |
Vadim Mikhailov | Senior Vice President |
Valery Reshetnikov | Senior Vice President |
Anatoly Krasnoshchek | Senior Vice President |
Galina Kraft | Chief Accountant |
Anatoly Meshcheryakov | State Secretary — Vice President |
Mikhail Akulov | Vice President |
Oleg Atkov | Vice President |
Salman Babayev | Vice President |
Alexander Bobreshov | Vice President |
Alexey Vorotilkin | Vice President — Head of the Traction Directorate |
Alexey Illarionov | Vice President |
Pyotr Katsyv | Vice President — Head of the Moscow Transport Hub Development Centre (as of 27 October 2014) |
Alexander Saltanov | Vice President |
Viktor Stepov | Vice President (as of 23 October 2014) |
Oleg Toni | Vice President |
Alexander Tselko | Vice President |
Shevket Shaydullin | Vice President — Head of the Traffic Safety Department |
Dmitry Shakhanov | Vice President |
Vadim Bynkov | Head of the Legal Department |
Olga Gnedkova | Head of the Corporate Finance Department |
Boris Lapidus | Senior Advisor to the Russian Railways President |
Biographical information about members of the Management Board

Vladimir Yakunin
Vladimir Yakunin
President of Russian Railways
Born in 1948.
Mr Yakunin graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute in 1972 and has a PhD in political science. He began his career as a junior researcher at the State Institute of Applied Chemistry. After serving in the Soviet Army, Mr Yakunin worked as an engineer and a senior engineer at the Department of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Foreign Economic Relations and a department head at the Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute under the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Professional experience:
1985–1991 — Diplomatic service (Second and then First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations).- Later — Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Business Cooperation Centre and Head of the Northwest District Inspectorate of the Main Accounting Office of the President of the Russian Federation.
- October 2000 — Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.
- February 2002 — First Deputy Minister of Railways Transport of the Russian Federation.
- October 2003 — First Vice-President of Russian Railways.
- 14 June 2005 — Appointed President of the Russian Railways.
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Centre of National Glory of Russia and St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, Founding President of the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilisations, Co-President of the Association for Franco-Russian Dialogue, Scientific Director and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Crisis Society Studies, Chair of the Department of State Policy of the Faculty of Political Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Spread Your Wings! child welfare foundation, member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian World Fund, member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Chairman of the Transport and Transport Infrastructure Committee, Visiting Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Honorary Doctor and member of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the International Union of Railways (UIC), Chairman of the Board of GEFCO, Head of the Centre for Scientific Substantiation and Implementation of the Mega-project “Integrated Eurasian Transportation System” (ISPR RAS), Ceo-Chairman of the Russia-France Business Cooperation Council, member of the Presidium of the Council of the Russian Society of Political Scientists and academician of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences.
- Mr Yakunin has been awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Honour, the Order for Merit to the Fatherland (4th Class), the Order of Friendship, the Medal for Battle Merit, the Medal “For the Development of Railways”, the Merit Badge “Honorary Railwayman of Russian Railways” and other awards for his service to the government, his great contribution to the reforms of railways, for preparing a development strategy for Russian railways, for pursuing a constructive social policy, efficient interaction with the government authorities of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as well as with foreign railway administrations and international organisations. He is a laureate of the Prize of the Russian Government in science and technology.

Vadim Morozov
Vadim Morozov
First Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1954.
Mr Morozov graduated from Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers in 1977 with a major in railway operations. In 2009, he underwent advanced training at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government as part of the programme Modern Railway Transportation Management Trends. He is a doctor of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- 1998 — Elected Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region.
1998–1999 and2000–2002 — Deputy First Head of Southeast Railway and Moscow Railway, respectively.- May 1999—May 2000 — Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation, February 2002 — First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation and October 2003 — Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- July 2004 — Executive Director of Blagosostoyanie Private Pension Fund.
- August 2005 — First Vice President of Russian Railways.
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Football Club Lokomotiv, Chairman of the Management Board of Ulan Bator Railway, Chair of the Transportation Operation and Safety Management Department at Moscow State University of Railways.

Alexander Misharin
Alexander Misharin
First Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1959.
Mr Misharin graduated from Ural State University of Railway Transport with a major in railway transportation electrification in 1981 and a major in economics and business management (railway transportation) in 1997. He is a candidate of economic sciences and a doctor of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- Began working in railway transportation in 1981 at Sverdlovsk Railway.
- Served as Deputy and First Deputy Minister of Transportation of the Russian Federation, Head of Sverdlovsk Railway, Director of the Integrated Infrastructure Development Department of the Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation and Director of the Industry and Infrastructure Department of the Central Office of the Russian Government.
- November 2009 — Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region.
- December 2012 — First Vice President of Russian Railways.

Valentin Gapanovich
Valentin Gapanovich
Senior Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1955.
Mr Gapanovich graduated from Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1992 with a major in railway transportation process management and underwent advanced training at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government in 1998 as part of the programme Government Management of Railway Transportation. He is a candidate of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- January 1998 — Deputy Head of West Siberian Railway.
- November 2000 — Chief Engineer of Oktyabrskaya Railway.
- November 2003 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- June 2008 — Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Vadim Mikhailov
Vadim Mikhailov
Senior Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1969.
Mr Mikhailov graduated from the State Financial Academy in 1992 with a major in finance and credit.
He began his career after graduation at the audit company Arthur Andersen.
Professional experience:
- April 2003 — Director of Ernst & Young — Business Consulting.
- November 2003 — CEO of Ernst & Young — Business Consulting.
- September 2009 — Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Valery Reshetnikov
Valery Reshetnikov
Senior Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1952.
Mr Reshetnikov graduated from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute with a major in automated control systems in 1975.
Professional experience:
1985–1987 — Worked in the USSR trade delegation in Norway.1987–1998 — Worked in commercial organisations in St Petersburg.1998–2001 — Held senior positions at Baltonexim Bank CB.- February 2002 — Head of the Economic Security Management Department at the Russian Ministry of Railways.
- October2003 — Head of the Security Department of Russian Railways.
- August 2004 — Advisor to the CEO of Severstaltrans.
- September 2005 — Advisor to the Russian Railways President; March 2007 — Vice President of Russian Railways; March 2010 — Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Anatoly Krasnoshchek
Anatoly Krasnoshchek
Senior Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1959.
Mr Krasnoshchek graduated from Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers with a major in railway transportation process management in 1988 and is a candidate of economic sciences.
Professional experience:
- September 2002 — Deputy Head of Transportation at Oktyabrskaya Railway.
- June 2004 — First Deputy Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway — Chief Auditor for Train Traffic Safety.
- March 2005 — First Deputy Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway.
- July 2008 — Head of East Siberian Railway.
- December 2011 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- March 2013 — Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.

Galina Kraft
Galina Kraft
Chief Accountant of Russian Railways
Born in 1950.
Ms Kraft graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers in 1973 with a major in railway transportation automation, telemechanics and communications and in 1983 with a major in economics and the organisation of railway transportation. She is a doctor of economic sciences.
Professional experience:
- July 2000 — Professor of the Accounting and Audit Department at St Petersburg State University of Railways.
- May 2002 — Deputy Head of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- August 2002 — Head of the Investment Department of the Directorate of Railways of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- October 2003 — Head of the Investment Department of Russian Railways.
- November 2003 — Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Investment Department.
- August 2005 — Vice President of Russian Railways
- December 2005 — Chief Accountant of Russian Railways.

Anatoly Meshcheryakov
Anatoly Meshcheryakov
State Secretary and Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1966.
Mr Meshcheryakov graduated from Kiev Higher Military Aviation Engineering School in 1988 with a major in avionics and from the Institute of Modern Business in 1998 with a major in finance and credit. He is a candidate of technical sciences
Professional experience:
- January 2004 — Deputy General Director on External Relations, Director for External Relations and Head of the External Relations Department, Director for Personnel Management and External Relations, First Deputy General Director of Transmashholding.
- December 2011 — Senior Advisor to the Russian Railways President.
- February 2012 — State Secretary and Vice President of Russian Railways.

Mikhail Akulov
Mikhail Akulov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1960.
Mr Akulov graduated from Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in 1982 with a major in railway transportation electrification and underwent advanced training in 1998 and 2000 at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government in the programmes State Management of Railway Transportation and State and Corporate Governance of Railway Transportation in Modern Conditions.
Professional experience:
- May 1999 — First Deputy Head of Southeast Railway.
- December 2000 — Head of Southeast Railway.
- May 2002 — Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- December 2003 — First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- March 2004 — Head of the Federal Railway Transportation Agency of the Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation.
- December 2005 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- July 2009 — Vice President of Russian Railways and General Director of the Federal Passenger Company.
- March 2013 — Vice President of Russian Railways

Oleg Atkov
Oleg Atkov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1949.
Mr Atkov graduated from Sechenov First Moscow Medical Institute in 1973 with a major in medicine. He is a doctor of medical sciences, professor and a Hero of the Soviet Union.
Professional experience:
- March
1984-May 1997 — Cosmonaut and researcher. - May 2002 — Head of the Healthcare Department of the Russian Ministry of Railways.
- October 2003 — Head of the Medical Support Department of Russian Railways.
- August 2005 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- Chair of the Instrumental Diagnostic Methods Department at Russian State Medical University, Chairman of the Commission for the Interaction of Railway Administrations of CIS Member Nations in Healthcare Matters, Chairman of the Council of the Russian public organisation Russian Medical Association of Railway Transportation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Telemedicine Association, Chairman of the Russian Railways delegation at the International Union of Railway Medical Services (IURMS).

Salman Babaev
Salman Babaev
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1955.
Mr Babayev graduated from Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1978 with a major in railway operations.
Professional experience:
- April 1997 — First Deputy Head of Far East Railway.
- June 1998 — Deputy Head of North Caucasus Railway.
- June 1999 — Deputy Head of Moscow Railway.
- February 2002 — General Director of the Centre for Corporate Transport Service.
- November 2002 — Head of Volga Railway.
- November 2003 — Vice President of Russian Railways and General Director of the Centre for Corporate Transport Service.
- August 2005 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- October 2007 — General Director of First Freight and Advisor to the Russian Railways President concurrently,
- March 2011 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Alexander Bobreshov
Alexander Bobreshov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1965.
Mr Bobreshov graduated from Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute in 1988 with a major in instrument engineering.
Professional experience:
1990–1995 — Served in the Russian Federal Security Service before holding senior positions at government and commercial organisations on matters involving economic security and security activities.- February 2004 — Deputy Head of the Security Department of Russian Railways.
- July 2004 — Head of the Security Department of Russian Railways.
- August 2005 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Alexey Vorotilkin
Alexey Vorotilkin
Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Traction Directorate
Born in 1961.
Mr Vorotilkin graduated from Irkutsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1988 with a major in railway transportation electrification and underwent advanced training at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government in 2001 and 2009 in the programmes State Management of Railway Transportation and Modern Railway Transportation Management Trends. He is a doctor of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- July 2001 — Deputy Head of East Siberian Railway.
- September 2005 — Head of East Siberian Railway.
- June 2008 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- February 2011 — Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Traction Directorate.

Alexey Illarionov
Alexey Illarionov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1966.
Mr Illarionov graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1989 with a major in applied informatics.
Professional experience:
- November 2005 — Head of the Corporate Information Support Department.
- March 2007 — Head of the Information Support and Corporate Management Processes Department.
- November 2012 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Pyotr Katsyv
Pyotr Katsyv
Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Moscow Transport Hub Development Centre
Born in 1953.
Mr Katsyv graduated from Moscow Automobile and Road Institute in 1975 with a major in automobiles and automotive fleet. He is a doctor of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- February 2001 — Minister of Transportation of the Government of the Moscow Region.
- December 2003 — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region and Minister of Transportation of the Government of the Moscow Region.
- June 2012 — Head of the Main Department of the Moscow Region for Relations with the Federal Authorities
- September 2013 — Advisor to the Governor of the Moscow Region.
- October 2014 — Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Moscow Transport Hub Development Centre.

Alexander Saltanov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1946.
Mr Saltanov graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1970 with a major in international relations and is a specialist in international relations and a researcher on Eastern countries.
Professional experience:
- 1970 — Diplomatic work.
- December 1992 — Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
- February 1999 — Director of the Middle East and Africa Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- October 2011 — Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
- May 2011 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Viktor Stepov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1957.
Mr Stepov graduated from Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers in 1986 with a major in railway transportation electrification, from St Petersburg State University of Railways in 1994 with a major in economics and railway transportation organisation and from the Stockholm School of Economics in 2009 in the Masters of Business Administration programme. He is a candidate of economic sciences.
Professional experience:
- September 1999 — Chief Economist and Deputy Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway.
- February 2004 — Head of Oktyabrskaya Railway.
- October 2014 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Oleg Toni
Oleg Toni
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1964.
Mr Toni graduated from Voronezh Engineering and Construction Institute in 1986 with a major in industrial and civil construction and from Northwest Academy of Public Service in 2003 with a major in state and municipal management. He is a candidate of economic sciences.
Professional experience:
- January 1997 — General Director of Baltic Construction Company No. 24, St Petersburg.
- March 2000 — General Director of Baltic Construction Company (BCC), Moscow.
- February 2001 — General Director of Baltic Construction Company (M), Moscow.
- March 2004 — First Deputy Head and Head of the Capital Construction Department of Russian Railways.
- April 2006 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Alexander Tselko
Alexander Tselko
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1956.
Mr Tselko graduated from Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1978 with a major in railway operations and underwent advanced training in 2000 at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government in the programme Public Management of Railway Transportation.
Professional experience:
- June 1999 — Head of West Siberian Railway.
- November 1999 — Head of South Urals Railway.
- May 2000 — Deputy and First Deputy Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation.
- February 2002 — Head of West Siberian Railway.
- November 2012 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Shevket Shaydullin
Shevket Shaydullin
Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Traffic Safety Department
Born in 1961.
Mr Shaydullin graduated from Kuybyshev Institute of Railway Engineers in 1990 with a major in technical locomotive operation management and underwent advanced training in 2000 at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government in the programme Public Management of Railway Transportation. He is a candidate of technical sciences.
Professional experience:
- March 2001 — First Deputy Head of Gorky Railway.
- September 2002 — Head of Gorky Railway.
- May 2004 — Head of Sverdlovsk Railway and Advisor to the Russian Railways President from April 2007.
- December 2008 — General Director of South Caucasus Railway.
- February 2012 — Head of Kuybyshev Railway.
- December 2012 — Vice President of Russian Railways and Head of the Traffic Safety Department.

Dmitry Shakhanov
Dmitry Shakhanov
Vice President of Russian Railways
Born in 1961.
Mr Shakhanov graduated from the USSR Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a major in law in 1988.
Professional experience:
1979–1998 — Service in internal affairs agencies followed by employment in various government and commercial organisations.- November 1999 — Deputy General Director of Lenenergo.
- October 2005 — Deputy General Director of Territorial Generating Company No. 1.
- October 2006 — Deputy Director of Russian Railways Supply.
- November 2006 — Director of Russian Railways Supply.
- April 2009 — Vice President of Russian Railways.

Vadim Bynkov
Vadim Bynkov
Head of the Russian Railways Legal Department
Born in 1962.
Mr Bynkov graduated from Kalinin State University in 1985 with a major in law.
Professional experience:
1989–1993 — Worked in the prosecutor agencies of Tver before holding senior positions in commercial organisations.- June 2002 — Head of the Legal Department of ALROSA.
- April 2004 — Attorney with the Bar Association of the Tver Region.
- October 2005 — Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways.
- December 2007 — State Secretary and Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways.
- April 2009 — Head of the Legal Department of Russian Railways.

Boris Lapidus
Boris Lapidus
Senior Advisor to the Russian Railways President
Born in 1947.
Mr Lapidus graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Engineers in 1973 and 1984 with a major in railway transportation electrification as well as economics and railway transportation organisation. He is a doctor of economic sciences, a professor and an Honoured Economist of the Russian Federation.
Professional experience:
- January 1994 — Head of the Economics and Development Department of the Russian Ministry of Railways.
- June 1996 — General Director of the Centre of Corporate Transportation Service under the Russian Ministry of Railways.
- March 1997 — Head and Director of the Economics Department of the Russian Ministry of Railways.
- October 2003 — Head of the Economic Forecasting and Strategic Development Department of Russian Railways.
- November 2003 — Vice President of Russian Railways.
- August 2005 — Senior Vice President of Russian Railways.
- March 2010 — General Director of Railway Research Institute and Senior Advisor to the Russian Railways President concurrently.

Olga Gnedkova
Olga Gnedkova
Head of the Russian Railways Corporate Finance Department
Born in 1960.
Ms Gnedkova graduated from Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers in 1981 with a major in accounting. She is a candidate of economic sciences.
Professional experience:
- May 2002 — Deputy Head of Moscow Railway and Head of the Financial Service.
- September 2004 — Deputy Head of Moscow Railway for Economics and Finance.
- November 2004 — Head of the Financial Management Department of Russian Railways.
- September 2005 — Head of the Corporate Finance Department of Russian Railways.
Remuneration system for the Management Board and information on the amount of remuneration for the Management Board for the reporting year.
The remuneration system for members of the Russian Railways Management Board, which was approved by the Russian Railways Board of Directors, was developed to improve the efficiency of the individual and collective work of Management Board members both in the short term and the long term as well as to provide incentives for the successful performance of Russian Railways as a single economic entity.
Executives are given bonuses for annual results based on the fulfilment of key performance indicators (KPI) and a performance assessment of the Management Board and Russian Railways as a whole.
The KPI system, which includes general corporate and functional indicators, is approved by the Russian Railways Board of Directors.
The total income earned by members of the Russian Railways Management Board amounted to RUB 1,398.3 mln in the reporting year.